Style Session: Wardrobe Organisation Tips

Brenda Shirt in Pink, Marina Trousers in Beige
Three stylists share their top wardrobe organisation hacks for more streamlined storage and low-effort daily dressing.
Peek inside our wardrobes, and you’ll find overflowing drawers, mismatched hangers and a ‘dressing chair’ – that very specific one reserved for the not-quite-ready-to-wash but not-quite-right-to-put-away shirts and wide-leg trousers (they have no better place to be). But it’s spring, and with that comes a need to refresh and reset. We’re clearing the clutter from our sprawling ‘drobes, reexamining the pieces (making sure they still spark joy), and putting it all back together with some sort of plan. It paves the way for simpler dressing and more low-effort wear; we’re looking for easy access, fewer wrinkles, and ready-for-anything looks.
How does a fashion stylist organise their wardrobe? We asked three locals for their wardrobe organisation tips and tricks. This is your cue to schedule the weekend prep time – you’ll feel better for it.

Millie Shirt in Red, Cosmo Pleated Skirt in Grey
Nicole Bonython-Hines, freelance stylist
“I’m actually not that great at culling my own space. (I’m) far better at culling other people’s wardrobes!
“The pieces you wear most frequently are the ones you hold onto. If you have the room, put the ones you don’t wear so often into another space (spare rack/other bedroom) and see how often you seek out those pieces. If the answer is rarely or never, then get rid of them! I don’t have much hanging space, and getting space back is liberating (and allows for more future purchases, which may or may not be a good thing!).”
Folding T-Shirts: Arrange t-shirts by style and colour in your drawers, i.e. white short sleeve tees in one pile, prints in another. Long-sleeve tees come out in autumn and are stored in clear plastic storage bags at the start of spring.
Storing Knitwear: Similarly arrange knitwear by colour and store in spring. “I always wash and air dry my knits before storage. The moths like knits that have body oils or food, etc., so I find it’s important to do this to save from those terrible holes you discover come autumn.”
Organising Hanging Space: “I hang according to style – pants together (and colour-coded), skirts together, day dresses together, evening dresses together, etc.” Any pieces that don’t need frequent access (like heavy coats and evening dresses) can find a home in the spare room or free-standing rack and “if you don’t have the space full stop, then hard choices are required!”
Extra Tips:
- Poorly kept clothing makes everything look cheap and scrappy.
- Always make sure that the clothes you wear are clean, free of lint (I always carry a lint roller) and have no pilling (knits, coats, etc. need to be de-pilled regularly – you can do it while you’re watching TV with a rechargeable pilling machine. They’re cheap and easy to use and make such a difference).
- Ensure hems are sewn, loose threads are cut off etc.
- Regularly soak your white tees and shirts in Napisan – grey whites look cheap.

Marina Vest in Beige, Marina Trousers in Beige
Isabella Mamas, fashion assistant, Vogue Australia
“I love a reset day, which is usually a Saturday, where I can sort through the chaos of the week, rehang all the pieces that got left behind, and pop everything into a colour order.
“At work, I have the system of tops, pants, jackets and dresses all in their own sections in colour order, so I have implemented that at home as well. It makes life so much easier when you know exactly where everything is!
“I don’t have any drawers, which is a blessing and a curse. Everything is out in the open where I can see it, which feels like a constant state of mess at times, however (it) means I find things within seconds.”

Pamela Shirt in Lilac, Mob Skirt in Leopard
Georgie Kar, stylist and creative consultant
“Over the years, I’ve become much more conscious of what I buy. I focus on investing in good staples that form the foundation of my wardrobe. I build them out with fun, playful pieces when I want to experiment.
“To keep my wardrobe from overflowing, I follow a simple rule: for every new item I purchase, I either donate or sell something I haven’t worn in a while. This not only helps keep my closet organised but also ensures that every piece I own truly has a place in my style.”
Organising Drawers: “I recently had someone help me declutter my wardrobe and drawer space; I’m not hard enough on myself – I tend to hold onto far too many things when I know I should let them go. After the declutter, everything in my drawers was folded in a Marie Kondo style, which has been a game changer for both space and functionality.”
Organising Hanging Space: “ I focus on keeping my key pieces – like pants, blazers, shirts, and coats – super organised. These are my core items on rotation. I also colour code my wardrobe, which makes it much easier to navigate and put outfits together.”
Extra Tips:
- Invest in versatile staples that can be dressed up or down, like a well-fitted blazer or jeans, as they can be styled in multiple ways.
- Tailoring is another game changer – it can completely transform the look of your clothes.
- Plan your outfits ahead of time to save stress during busy weeks.
- Never underestimate the power of accessories – they are your best friend! A great bag, a statement necklace, or a pair of bold shoes can elevate even the simplest look.